I'm Standing Right Here !
I don't have a lot to say on most issues. One major exception is the politics of this country !
I guess a lot of you will find this boring, that's probably the reason we're in the shameful shape we're in today ! Boredom, apathy, whatever ! Watch the game, forgetaboutit ! I used to. I always knew that there was something major wrong. Whatever it was , it was out of my control. Our votes didn't count for shit ! But, something happened six years ago that made me do a 360. George 'W'. Bush ran for office. Why , you ask , would that trouble me so much ? Because his daddy WAS the president and every time I saw his face, heard his voice , I felt ill. "Read my lips" ! Now I was gonna have to listen to Jr. !? Na uh . I did something I had never done before in my life . I voted !! The only thing I can compare that election to was O.J.s trial . Up until now, one could only speculate about government corruption ! Now, in my mind, I had affirmation of everything I ever believed, that regular people lost control of this country when the bullet hit JFKs head and headin toward this day ever since !!People slacked off in the 50's. Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, That was the United States. We didn't have to be wary of the government. They were all nice , honest guys, no need to scrutinize there. Well, you turn your head on the kids for just a couple of minutes and look what happens ! They inbreed like cockroaches with the equivalent intellect. It took 40 years to get to this moment but now, here we are. We have a president whose main objective is to put his head far enough up his daddies ass to get a pat on the back everytime he wipes !
We don't need to go into how he got into office , I'm sure everyone's aware of that, even his supporters. How he won the 2004 election was the fault of the Democrats. They sabotaged themselves by nominating a weak candidate, playing a defensive strategy and failing to respond to allegations made by the Republicans.
I've been very wrong in my past, I came to age in the 60's thinking we had all the solutions, we could right the wrongs and make a better world. Man, were we stupid ! We realized that politics was ruthless, did whatever had to be done. The problem is we thought it all came down to money. We were too young, didn't realize it wasn't money at all ! It was strictly about power and it would take time for us to learn the methodology . We didn't have time. We had no generation right behind us to pick up the fight ! Plus, to our disadvantage, we were idealistic. Idealism is a major weakness in our world. This is such a shame, we're such a young country. At a time like this a little idealism and some new leadership sure couldn't hurt. We are in dire straits in a war with an invisible enemy. We should realize that the enemy is at war with our leaders and when they strike at us again it will be a lot more than 3000 people dead. Our leaders know this yet they keep making silly appeasements to distract us. No lighters on planes, higher security at airports, raising the terror level, all ineffective actions meant to calm the masses and lead us to believe that everything possible is being done to protect our lives. The only lives which are thoroughly protected are the people who have gotten us into this mess. You can bet your sweet ass that Bush Cheney Rumsfel and families will be deep under ground when the shit hits the fan !
How about the rest of us ? Any Ideas ???
"America, where are you now, don't you care about your' sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now we can't fight alone against the monster !"
' Steppenwolf '
' Monster/Suicide/America '
The United States of America.
Ya, I live here and I luv this country !! I just have a real problem with the muthas runnin it into the ground! Real people lost control of this country when the bullet hit JFK's head and it's been headin toward this day ever since. Leave the politicians to their own devices for a while and they shit all over everything. We’re not all to entirely to blame. Some of us actually do REAL work and pay substantial parts of our income in taxes. What we have left we have to try to spread from week to week to support ourselves and our families, who also pay more taxes every time they go out and spend what little we have left on luxury items, like gasoline, clothes, food and (God forbid) cigarettes, among other stuff that we want! We don't all walk around with our hand out. All we want is a fair piece of the action. That’ll be the day!.
By the way, that twit is in office because of all the assholes who voted for him and are now wringing their worried hands saying "Gee,,, I was all for the war before but now...!!?!!."Well we thought he said Iraq….WMDs, you know…he fooled us !!! Not all of us ! I just didn't believe anyone else could buy it. Why, you stupid f*&(%^jerk offs, what the hell did you think was going to happen ?? Can't you people look in a mans' eyes and see the lights are on but no one's home? Can't you hear when a dimwit is so ignorant that he can't speak until his staff winds him up, kicks him in the ass and pushes him out to the podium? Damn, he's screwed the office up so bad that his whole family has to do a standup comedy routine just to distract the remaining assholes who still stand behind him from just what the hell him and his boys have done! They STILL don't get it!!
Screw the conservatives, screw the bible thumpin assholes that pushed him into office, screw anyone who says the media is liberal, screw the chickenshit liberals who couldn't stand up to those homophobic closet queens and boot THEM the hell out of office instead of vice-versa and screw Ann Coulter!!!!! Just because !!
Now, some of us who tried, who knew right along what was going to happen pretty much have to sit here on our hands in judgment with that oblivious train of fools and take it in the ass from the rest of the world !
'We are the joke, we are the morons'....(sung to the tune of "We are the world".)
I grew up from the 60's thinking that we had the solutions, we could make a difference, make a better world! Yea, sure.. We still may have a chance. If the real working class citizens wake up and realize that we are the only ones that can implement the necessary changes, the ones that will help us, get off their asses and vote for a real candidate, we just may make it. Things aren't as complicated as government pretends they are. They just keep our thoughts occupied with issues they should be worried about, not us. We don't need to be snowed with bullshit news. Just give us the facts quickly and get on to the shit that really means something to us. Why is it so difficult to come up with a group health plan for everyone, working or not? Why give breaks to corporations based on how many employees they have to enroll? Hell, there's not a larger group than the population of this country. We are a group. The largest group an insurance company can find. So sell all of us group coverage no matter whom we work for or even if we don’t. Then let all of the employers budget for employee benefits and pay it out to their employees insurance companies, This would be available to all Americans to combine with as much of their own money to buy more coverage from their insurance companies that they want. This way, everyone has insurance, reasonable deductibles, reasonable prescription drug coverage. Christ, with a group that large and that amount of money available even the lowest bidding insurance companies can make a real killing! Maybe some of that won't work, maybe it needs some tweeking. What do I know? At least I said something, that’s more than I've ever heard from all these goddam politicians! And why do we live in the greatest country in the world and some clown running an amusement park makes upward of sixty or so million dollars a year while its employees are kept on in part time positions so that the company doesn't have to pay out for benefits? Others who are fulltime earn about fourteen thousand a year. Try supporting yourself on that !!. I don't believe in hell but if there is such a place I'm sure that son of a bitch is going there. And I really don't need to hear that crap 'but they donate so much to charities’! Bullshit, That's that Old Catholic shit buying your way into heaven. Does that really work for you?? How come in this great capitalistic country where everyone has a chance to get rich the only company I've ever seen put their money where their mouth is an Ice Cream Co. called BEN & JERRY’S? They should write a book on corporate management, publish and distribute (at each companies expense) to every corporation in America. If a small Ice cream company can make it work then shame on anyone who can't. I don't claim to be an intellectual, or even intelligent or, hell, even smart but at the very least I have ideas. They may not be good but I haven't heard anything coming from all those talking heads that were so full of sh.. oh, I mean Ideas at election time. How come we don't hear their friggin voices now telling us what their doing about all those freakin promises they made?? Doesn’t that make you so goddamn mad you could scream ???Well, friggin scream !!!! Make those assholes accountable !!Shit !!The toilets been flushed and we're headin down! There's too much wrong. War at the wrong time in the wrong places, with all the wrong reasons. Public distractions from the atrocities, beheadings, executions and our soldiers dying at a faster and faster rate, no REAL jobs, no REAL money, out of control insurance rates, prescription and medical costs, not to mention gasoline, while our manufacturers keep building them bigger and thirstier! And shame o n you who buy them! Oh, we need the extra space for our 2 kids! Shit, 30 years age we could fit a family of 6 in a vista cruiser station wagon with a roof rack and little Johnnie still had a great ride to take his girl to the drive in on Saturday night. We’re in trouble! Real trouble !! Aren’t you even a little scared?? Bush can swagger, bounce and chuckle and Mummy can keep on telling jokes but where are they gonna be when a major dirty bomb goes off somewhere in this country? Where are you gonna be ?? I don’t mean some little car bomb, or even an airplane; I mean a bomb with some friggin mutant virus that can kill a million people in 3 days. Something that our great defense department developed, the best money could buy! Or some radioactive shit that will make the Eastern seaboard uninhabitable for a couple of hundred years!! Don't think it can happen? Bush does,,, Cheney does,,, and so do Rumsfeld and Condolita Rice !! See how quick they get the fuck out of Dodge when a small private plane gets anywhere near their airspace??. Don't shit yourself. They know it can and will happen ! Cripes, they've pissed off most of the World !! Unfortunately it may take a real war on our soil to wake all the stupid assholes up! I hope not. It's we, the people who will have to pay the ultimate price. Ya,....I'm a little bit scared !
If there were a viable solution I wish the hell someone would enlighten me !!Cuz I'm just not that smart !"
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