As Election Day Closes In I;m Getting Tired, Frustrated And maybe just a Little Bit Frightened.
The closer we come to the election the more junk I find stuffed in my mailbox. I look at it, I even read it. I've always read or investigated both sides of the political demography. I'm always afraid that I may, some day, open my mouth and sound like most republicans of late do. Now, I don't intend this as a castigation nor am I looking to insult. I'm simply making an un-biased observation based on the facts presented to me, some through my mailbox, some through social intercourse, some through the media and advertising.
I am not a democrat, nor am I republican. I have no political affiliation or preference at all as I find them all to be full of shyt, saying whatever it takes to win, no matter the cost or cause.Now, with this election closing in, I've made my decision, as I figure anyone who has a brain and cares enough to properly pay attention has. If you haven't made up your mind yet then you don't deserve to vote, for you either are not willing to dedicate the time to research the truth, which is quite simple, or you don't have the necessary mental capacity to make such an important decision.
Most democrats I hear and speak with are optimistic about the future. They are unhappy and some, like myself, furious at the Bush administration for obvious reasons to anyone with eyes, ears and a functioning brain. I'm sincerely trying to be as unbiased as is possible under the circumstances but understand, it's not my fault, nor is it my responsibility to make certain people sound more intelligent than they themselves actually are or act. Having said that, what I find that most republicans sound like in conversation or in their own written word are people who are too belligerent or ignorant to pay attention to any of the facts put out to them and to my absolute dismay, racists. How did I come to this conclusion?
( see this video: it explains a lot) What do you say to a person when in conversation about the election they ask the rhetorical question "just who is Barack Obama?" I want to respond with "are you just stupid or have you been so successfully brainwashed that's all you've got?" But, they usually immediately follow it with "He's a Muslim, that's who." so who can argue with such logic?
"No he's not!" "Yes, he is!". "No, he's not". "Yes he is!" Ok,, why,,, why do you say he's a Muslim? "Because McCain said it in a speech." I'm done.
In some other cases, some people will either be more honest about the race issue or will unintentionally blurt out "besides, I ain't votin for no nigger." The first time I heard that one I honestly did not see it coming and it floored me. It bothered me very much because it was someone I love who said it. All I could respond with was "Aww, C'mon. Really?" There was no point in arguing that mentality and because of who it was I tried to talk about it but you can't discuss logic with racism though the person did promise me not to vote.
Finally, the pamphlets in my mailbox. Democrats, in their pamphlets, generally outline plans for whatever interest they have chosen without mention of other parties. I like that even though I don't find much else about democrats that I care for. Republicans, on the other hand, regularly defile their opponents. I received one today which was almost comical. It was from McCain and he was espousing his views on Obama the socialist. He was telling me that I needed to protect my gun rights. How ironic. A member of the party who has done more to steal away our constitutional rights than anyone in history telling me that I must protect my rights. My gun rights of all things. The ones I'll probably need the most if he were to get in office.
YES, it is time to protect my rights!
That's why I will vote,, for Obama. Not because of his party affiliation or what any one else has to say about him but because of what I've learned about him by listening to his debates, looking up what I didn't know and ignoring obvious lies and bullsh*t which is being consistently spread by the republican party. Actually, I'm surprised and disappointed that the republicans, after eight years of the most obvious lies and malfeasance to such horrendous degrees, haven't disassociated themselves from this type of behavior. It, in itself, is despicable and obvious to anyone with intelligence. Their aligning themselves with the likes of McCain/Palin shows them to either be in league with the Bush regime or are seeking to change their party to a band of mindless ignoramuses with a mob mentality. Again, no insult intended, it just can't be ignored, nor dismissed. It is what it is.
Slander tactics are all that republicans have against Obama as everything which I've ever followed through with proved false and/or taken out of context. McCain has no other talking points in any of the debates except to directly lie and mis-state Obama's plans but he never has an answer or plan of his own. His whole demeanor is as transparent as Bush's and his designs are obviously directed to the betterment of the rich and corporate America. His affinity for the flawed Reaganomics "trickle down" theory is further proof that his interests lie with the "haves" and his choice of a vice-presidential bimbo who has become the laughing stock of 80% of the country show's just how out of touch he is with the intelligent men and women of this country who see through all of the republican propaganda meant to convince people who earn less than $50,000. a year that they can enjoy a life in this country and that they actually can afford health care, retirement and education for their children.
I am not a liberal, nor am I a Marxist, neither is Barack Obama. That's just more of the outright lies that republicans have become quite well known for in the past eight years. If you can't win an election, steal it. If you can't have a war, fabricate an attack to use as a catalyst. No one's life is safe with these type of politician in office.
If Obama was for taking away my guns I surely would not vote for him but no where in any records or statements does he state that he is for this type of gun control. Being in favor of making sure that guns are used exclusively for what they were meant for, hunting rifles for hunting animals, defense weapons for the protection of one's person, home or family or match weapons for competition shooting is not "gun control". I or any other honest person should not have a problem with this, however, I promise that I will use my weapons in self defense should anyone ever try to take them away from me.
In fact, in light of Bush's Patriot Act I would be more likely to have to use my weapons in self defense against a government gone awry than ever before.
Not being a member of any political party I am always with open mind in making choices and decisions and the party usually has very little to do with my choices. Unfortunately, in the past eight years, the republican party has made the ill-fated decision to align themselves with the likes of a traitor to his country who has been responsible for the deaths and mutilations of thousands of American soldiers and citizens alike, not to mention the hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqi citizens, the passing of the "Patriot Act", a so-called document meant to protect citizens in the event of an attack which actually takes away our rights to due process and places us in danger of arrest without representation to be secretly locked away and tortured for years if we are deemed "terrorist". This could be the scenario for our next "Revolutionary War", thanks to George W. Bush, Dictator in Chief.
I am so sorry that this faction of the republican party has been as successful as it has in recruiting followers of these traitors. They are very clever in ways of deception but they are not true republicans. There has always been a fringe element of the republican party who has been based in religion, race and social class. This is not what America is about. It is about freedom, freedom to practice, or not, whatever type of religion we want. It is all about the equality of the races, genders and classes. I wish so much that we could all come together and see it that way but the only way that can happen is if we all truly involve ourselves in the politics of things such as elections. We can not take the word of anyone when they are casting dispersions on another. We must check out resources and find the truth and when we find one who consistently lies about another without ever presenting a plan of his own which makes any sense we must vote them away. It's not complicated and if a candidate is consistently not clear and confusing in where he or she stands it is because of duplicity. They're not lying if they don't make any sense. You may not rethink where you stand in this election but maybe in time, after all the cards are dealt, you will look back on this and you will see some sense in all of it. I hope we have the opportunity to find some positive after all of this. Firstly though, I hope for positive results from this election.Unfortunately, I keep having flashes of disaster, an assassination, a terror attack, martial law.
As I watched Obama's info-mercial Wednesday night and listened to his message I had a déjà vu. It felt as though I was sitting in my living room with my Mother and Father listening to John Kennedy speak and for a moment I had a warm sense of security. Now I've not been the strongest advocate of Barack Obama, I was mostly concerned with keeping McCain and the Bush administration from the White House but after the months of following him and listening to his speeches and debates and checking out every dispersion cast upon him by the McCain camp I feel as though he is the first legitimate candidate we've had in many, many years and as such I've developed a degree of faith in him, something else I haven't had in years. I hope, for all of our sakes, that this faith is warranted.
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