Recognize Our True Problem And Question The Government.
Question the government. Enough of all of these ridiculous questions about the war. The war is not important. The only people we should be fighting right now is the Establishment. They are our most clear and present danger. The economy? Healthcare? Illegal immigration? They are not problems, these are symptoms of the problem.
Use your heads. If we got rid of the Establishment, the corporate conglomerates who own the Bush administration, who own us, then we could begin to focus on the symptoms. Prosecuting Bush and his cronies is not the answer. It's a necessary step in defeating the establishment but it won't solve the problem. The power must be removed from the Establishment and placed in the hands of "We the People".
First, who is the Establishment? Wikipedia defines them as such; The Establishment is a pejorative term used to refer to the traditional ruling class elite and the structures of society that they control. The term can be used to describe specific entrenched elite structures in specific institutions, but is usually informal in application and pejorative. For example, candidates for political office are often said to have to impress the "party establishment" in order to win endorsement.
In the 1960s and 1970s, "The Establishment" was seen as representing restrictive, authoritarian policies. As the old fashioned way of doing things, it was associated with age and was said to be dominated by members of the war generation who had not yet accepted or adapted to the big societal changes of the decade. In the 1980s, conservative critics (particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom) began to assert that liberals had become the new "Establishment". Sociologically, one who does not belong to "The Establishment" is an "outsider". [1]
This is a very basic description, old in its' thesis. In modern times it has transformed and molded to fit society. It's no longer as simple as a military-industrial complex who believe that the continuation of war is essential to the maintenance, growth and strength of society. That was the basis fifty years ago but today, with all of the advancements in technology, the internet, GPS, and such, the so-called Establishment, being made up of people who have the same drives as most except that they are narcissistic, anti-social typeswho lack empathy, recognized the ability to take their powers to a whole new level. It's no longer as simple as keeping a war going to preserve their society. The ability to reach and control all of the people beginning with the conquest of one generation whose cooperation with the next generation to the next gave them a vision of the possibility of the ultimate control of power and wealth throughout the world. Add greed and a touch of antisocial psychosis and you have what we have today. Sounds sort of comic book? Sure it does, they count on that to dispel individual thoughts such as these, but have you ever seen anything as comic book as this administration? A drunken, babbling president with an unmistakable smirk of disdain for the petty subjects who annoy him, a vice-president with all of the attributes of Batman's Penguin who shoots his hunting buddies in the face with a shotgun. I'm not even going to waste time going on. Christ, you can pick up any book about the president or his administration, aside from autobiographies, and read all about all of the follies of these greed drunk idiots. But they themselves are not the Establishment. They're not smart enough. They just do their bidding. The people who comprise the Establishment are far more sinister than this. They have used technology to condition the nation, as I said, one generation to the next, to cooperate without question. Go out and shop, go into debt, get more credit cards, mortgage one hundred and twenty five percent of your home with a ridiculous mortgage, don't question authority and be afraid, be very, very afraid. We're here to protect you. Do you not recognize brainwashing tactics when they're being applied to you? Do you really want to be controlled? Well, don't worry about that, they don't want to control you, they want to own you. Now if that doesn't piss you off it should sure as hell scare the crap out of you.
Do you see what I see? I hope at least 40% of the people in this country see by now. I'm afraid that's not the case. I do see more people ho are sharing my beliefs but I'm so angry that more people won't open their eyes I've resorted to this. What I don't see is how everyone can be so distracted by such mindless blather about problems which would be solved by exposing the Establishment for who they are and their true agenda and then wiping them off the face of the earth, or at the very least, solitary confinement in prison,, in Iraq.
Sounds harsh? They're killing us, plus thousands of innocents around the world not to mention the "wounded". They're destroying our way of life, taking away our freedoms, our chances for prosperity. They are unconscionable, narcissistic, greedy, murderers with suits and families. Bush is one of this type, did you see our president "drunk" on the news last night? The man with his finger on the button gets DRUNK! Cheney is one, look in their eyes. Condoleezza Rice is the most proficient liar I've ever witnessed. I grew up on city streets, I recognize "bad" when I see it.
There have been many movies, supposedly fictional, depicting the mad politician run amuck, political assassinations by other factions of government. You might say that this is a case of "life imitating art". It's actually the other way around. Many of these movies have had their basis in real life. Take the movie "JFK." Most people discounted that movie as fictional. There was a lot of research done for that movie, proven facts regarding the autopsy, trajectory of bullets, even facts such as that the limousine in which he was shot was repaired (bullet holes) and cleaned the next day. Who does that to any vehicle which is evidence in a murder case? Yet, the government and the media manage to keep people convinced that anyone who questioned this was a conspiracy nut and almost everyone fell for it. If you have half of a brain and read with an open mind, and I don't mean to be insulting here, but you have to either be truly successfully conditioned, involved or a complete idiot not to question outright all of the government's answers and the Warren Report. I believe that someday history will regard the second half of the twentieth century as the time of the greatest ignorance in all of history. There are really evil people and they do gain power and we are witness to it right now. Ask any Jewish Survivor what they believe. They've been there before.
These "types" have been around for as long as there was society. There is always a faction of that society who are so greedy and ruthless that they'll stop at nothing to achieve their agenda. Most of us don't want to rule the world. Most of us would be satisfied with enough income to raise our families in good, decent conditions and live out our remaining days in comfort. People like us usually can't identify with the evil or the wants of these maniacs, and maniacs they are. No better and no different than the likes of a Ted Bundy. They present themselves as people just like you and me but when the lights go down and they're all alone they're monsters. And they are only the ones we can see. The people who give them their orders don't come out to the light.
Try, just make an effort to envision that what all of these people who you've considered "conspiracy nuts" all of these years are right. I didn't say to believe, I said envision, like it's a movie. Now consider that the plot makes sense. I know it's really scary, we don't want to believe in demons who can take over our bodies as in the "Exorcist" but when have you ever really seen that happen? Now realize all of the politicians and mobsters who have proven ties throughout the years, how many crooked politicians have been ousted. Now, think of all of the really slick men and women, just like them or worse, who have just slipped through the cracks. "Who can know what evil lurks in the mind of man?" Try to be realistic. Is it better to be scared,, or destitute, or dead? Believe it. Look at how many do. They can't all be wrong.
We don't have much time. They've made great strides with the Bush administration and they're still very much in control of everything, right down to this election and the chosen candidates. This should infuriate you. What these bastards are trying to do to you, to your children, your grandchildren. What would you do to someone who tried to take your child's life? That is what they are doing. Be infuriated, fight back! The first step in this fight is to acknowledge the enemy. The enemy is our present government. It is the Establishment.